Brand Strategy

S3: Science. Safety. Security

The S3: Science. Safety. Security. branding and marketing initiative was contracted with the National Counterproliferation Center (NCPC) under the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). The S3 program goals are to lead the Intelligence Community in developing integrated strategies to counter current weapons of mass destruction (WMD) threats and future WMD proliferation.

The purpose of this outreach initiative was to engage and educate the broad community of life science researchers, educators, students, and private (home) practitioners on the topic of biosecurity/safety.

I was the Program Manager of this three year, nearly $1MM initiative that began with the development of the S3 program name. Then we developed many iterations of the logo and tagline that were presented to focus groups before finally establishing the final logo package.

The primary avenue to spread the S3 message and expand the mission was participation in eight industry expositions and conferences each year for three years. A 20x20 foot exhibition booth and banner stands were developed that were visually impactful and unique in positioning the S3 brand coupled with a competitive trivia product using a touchscreen kiosk that tracked the top ten scores by username, made the booth a popular destination at the events. We also developed multiple interactive media products, brochures, web cards, posters, and tabletop displays strengthening the S3 message and brand recognition. A brand book was created and distributed to the S3 marketing team that detailed all usage requirements for each of the S3 branding components. A complete user experience analysis was performed and information architecture documentation produced providing the framework for a new S3 website that was built by a subcontractor.

Our team continues to receive accolades from the S3 brand owners for our part in establishing the S3 brand and aiding in providing a cohesive platform to educate the life sciences community on the topic of biosecurity and biosafety.